Wine And Kids

Before spending your hard-earned money on wine, let alone wine
s like the
1787 Chateau Lafite,
please consider this: every 10 minutes, 120 kids around the world die from starvation and
saving those kids by feeding them costs only 19 cents
per day per child (source: World Food Programme).
If the $24,000, 75cl bottle of
Romanee-Conti contained 24 sips
of wine, that's $1,000 per sip. For the $1,000 that
someone spent to take one sip of that wine, over 5,000 kids could have been fed
and kept alive, or 175 kids fed for a month and nourished back to health.
Are your wines more in the $240 price range? Each sip of those is worth
$10, which could have saved 50 children or fed 2 of them for
a month and nourished them to health. The whole bottle would have saved over
1,260 children or fed 42 of them for a month.
See the woman in the photo above? That filthy, muddy water she is collecting - one in
which you wouldn't wash your feet - is for her family, including her
children, to drink. Digging a well from which fresh water can be pumped for her
entire village would cost less than $240.
Also, please be reminded that alcohol is an acquired taste. The finer you drink, the finer you have to
drink. At first, $20 bottles impress the palate. But if you start to drink $100
bottles, the $20 versions no longer impress.
That doesn't mean your taste buds are happier, but just that you need to spend more money to keep them happy.
So why not just stay with the $20 choices? Instead of
spending more money to make your taste buds only more demanding, why not use the money saved to save the
lives of children - tens, hundreds and even thousands of
them? Instead of
Chateau Cheval Blanc, why not drink
Chateau Neuf du Pape? Instead of
Romanee-Conti, why not try
Sancerre or