The Last Supper

The Last Supper depicts the last meal Jesus shared with His twelve apostles before His crucifixion at Calvary. It captures the commotion that ensued when Jesus told them as recorded in the 13th chapter of the Gospel of John, "One of you will betray me."
Decay, Door and Damage
The Last Supper was Leonardo da Vinci's first attempt to paint on a dry wall instead of a wet wall (which would have made it a fresco). The attempt failed, as the oil paint didn't bind with the dry wall's plaster and soon began to decay. By the mid 16th century, the figures had become blurred beyond recognition and the mural was considered ruined. In 1652, a door was cut through the mural, which was no longer recognizable.
Original Copies
Because the mural began to decay so soon and due to demand, Leonardo da Vinci and his assistants painted at least two portable, full-size copies of The Last Supper, including the one below that is now in London's Royal Academy of Arts. These copies enabled the mural to be restored in the late 20th century to its current form shown above.

Almost everything, including these seven:
1. Wrong Meal
The Last Supper depicted was the Passover supper, which was served after sunset, not a lunch served during broad daylight (notice the three windows) that da Vinci painted.
2. Wrong Table
To eat communal meals, Jews in Israel 2,000 years ago sat on the floor, around the food, leaning on their left elbow with their legs stretched out behind them, and ate with their right hand. They didn't sit on chairs at a dining table, let alone on only one side of it.