Painting Treasure

can buy a
priceless painting
that already is a treasure, although not
The Last Supper, or
even commission a painting that turns into a treasure later. After all, even the
Mona Lisa (right) started out as just a personal portrait.
But before calling in your bid to Sotheby's,
consider what
Salvator Mundi said about treasures:
"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where
moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for
yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and
where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there
your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:19-21)
Since you express that you
know and
like the Savior, will you invest
in earthly treasures or heed Him and lay up
treasures in heaven?
For $20, frontline
groups can
print and slip 10 Bibles into a country that bans them, and for every 10 Bibles slipped in,
twenty new people on average come to believe in Christ.
For the price of a $200,000 painting, 100,000 Bibles can reach the
lost and 200,000 souls won. That number rises to 1 million souls
won for the price of a $1 million artwork. And for the price of a $200 million
oil on canvas, 100 million Bibles can reach the lost and 200 million souls won for
So why not forego that Picasso, Rembrandt
or da Vinci and instead invest the money in heavenly treasures? If you must
have a painting, why not buy
one by a young artist at a fraction of
the cost and that has a much higher potential for appreciation?
For more on this, please
click here.