Kids Hotel

Kids Hotel Choice


Kids Hotel

Kids HotelWhat does this photo have to do with luxury hotel suites?

Every minute, 12 kids around the world starve to death, and the cost to have fed those kids nourishing meals is only $19 per day per 100 kids (source: World Food Program). So everyday, over 17,000 innocent kids perish from starvation, and the cost to have fed them is only around $3,000 per day.

Instead of spending $10,000 to swim in famous hotel with a private swimming pool or $25,000 to stare at 22-carat gold chandeliers dangling over your couch, why not spend less and donate the difference to saving the lives of children?
Let's face it, do you really even need to stay in a suite? If so, it isn't hard to find a great suite for under $1,000. If not, $200 will get you a perfectly comfortable hotel room.

Better yet, why not try a family-run bed and breakfast for $50 and enjoy a more personal hospitality? You will not only save money but also have a more memorable stay since people, not rooms, are remembered, and bed and breakfast hosts are easier to remember than hotel concierges.

How far will the money you save go toward saving the lives of children?

$9,950 will feed over 1,700 children for a month, long enough for them to nourished back to health, while $24,000 will feed over 4,000 children for a month. Think about this. By foregoing opulence for just one night, you can save the lives of thousands of children.

Also, are you sure your wealth isn't from a higher power?

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